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Welcome Home.

Sharing Hope | Preaching Truth | Celebrating Jesus

You are welcome at first assembly!

Our community of faith consists of people from all walks of life. We are a  collection of people  from various parts of the country. A large percentage of the people who make up the First Assembly family are transplants from other parts of the country. None of us are perfect. We all have our baggage, but we rejoice in the forgiveness, grace and love provided to us through our Lord Jesus.

What to expect

A typical Sunday morning service will last about 90 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. Childcare available for all  regular Sunday and Wednesday services , and there is ministry for all age groups. Arrive early to get a cup of coffee and a danish, and  feel free to hang around after the service to meet new people and build your community.

When we Meet

Sunday Services

Early Service: 8:30am
Second Service:  10:30am

Midweeek Service

Wednesday: 6:30 pm

Child Care is offered during all services for all ages. Please click here to learn more about the ministries we offer for your child. 

Why Me?

At First Assembly, we believe that worship is a personal expression made to God, and can look different for each person. It is our goal to ensure that each person feels comfortable to worship in a way that is fitting for their personal relationship with the Father. Our worship style ranges from exuberant  expressions of praise to quiet reflection and comfort in God's presence, including both traditional music and music that is modern and contemporary.
This means there is a  safe place for every type of worshiper to express their praises to God in a way that suits them.  Whether you are an animated and lively worshiper, prefer a more subdued posture of worship, or fall somewhere in between, there is a place for you here to feel at home, despite the type of expression you extend to the Lord. Check out one of our recent worship services in the video below.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.